In Gratitude and Admiration: Celebrating Women in Science this Thanksgiving


As I write from Calgary, AB rich colours of autumn leaves cover the ground and the air is crisp with the anticipation of Turkey Day AKA Thanksgiving! It’s a moment to pause, reflect, and express my heartfelt gratitude to the women who have contributed to the world of science. In the spirit of this beloved holiday, let’s turn our attention towards the unsung heroes who have immeasurably enriched our lives. Their contributions, often overlooked and understated, are foundations upon which we build our understanding of the world and their discoveries have expanded the horizons of what we believe is possible.


  Dr. Maria Andrade

As the family gathers around the Thanksgiving table, adorned with all the delicious food, let us also reminisce on women in agricultural science, like Dr. Maria Andrade, who has been instrumental in combating global hunger. Dr. Andrade’s work in developing biofortified sweet potatoes, rich in vitamin A, is a testament to the phenomenal contributions women have made in enhancing food security, nutrition, and sustainability. So as we fill our tummies with delicious food this long weekend, let us be grateful to those who made sure others could enjoy the


Dr. Vera Rubin

The journey of acknowledgment then takes us through the halls of astronomy, where Dr. Vera Rubin unravelled parts of the cosmos with her presence. Her groundbreaking research on galaxy rotation rates provided substantial evidence for the existence of dark matter. Her revelations not only transformed our understanding of the universe but also illuminated the path for future generations of women astronomers, showcasing that the stars are not beyond their reach.


Rachel Carson

In the realm of environmental science, the name Rachel Carson is an inspiration. She was a marine biologist and her work in conservation inspired many global environmental movements.  Through her eloquent prose and extensive research, her iconic book ‘Silent Spring’ alerted the world to the ecological repercussions of pesticides. Her advocacy for the natural world created a global environmental movement, reminding us of the bonds that connect humanity to the Earth’s ecosystems.


As we gather with family this long weekend, surrounded by the familiar comfort of loved ones, we recognize that every sphere of our life is touched by the genius of women scientists. They have defied conventions, surmounted barriers, and through sheer resilience and brilliance, inscribed their legacy in human achievement. Their discoveries are interwoven into our daily existence, echoing in many of the innovations we encounter.

Jennifer Ladipo